Here we are now on week #7 of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE, and at first, I thought 8 weeks was a lot of time for a little Entryway. Now am so grateful that we still have an additional week.
We went from utter isolation and what some called the “new normal”, to cruelty, abuse of power, manifestations, and gatherings. It is almost as if COVID-19 was not an issue anymore. But here is the thing, and let me clarify ahead of time that this is only my humble opinion, take what serves you and leave the rest.
Started by having a battle of the Greens. Although, I was really decided on Emerald Isle by Benjamin Moore, once I placed a sample on the wallpaper by the entryway, I realized that it did not quite fit. Here is why: although a beautiful shade of green, bright, happy and a hue you could easily fall in love with…However, when taking the entry space into account, it did not sit right. It would be the only bright color here and although I am looking for a brighter and happier color palette, that green was just off.
Hope everyone is well, healthful, hopeful that soon business will start opening. That every one will be as considerate of others as they can and above all understanding that we do not have to agree with one another to respect each other. Remember that everyone is going through their own “thing”… and we have no idea what that is, so be kind.
So now we are onto week two of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE- , and I am sure fellow guest participants have also made a lot of progress. I am still undecided regarding colors for the table I said I would finish and pondering whether the board with hooks should be the same color as the table or not.
Designing a small functional and inviting space is a great way to focus on creativity. Small space design is challenging and extremely rewarding, sometimes a small space requires a bit of a dramatic design and or bold statement so that it becomes large in looks and mighty in style.
How to Style and Decorate with White
Learn how to Style and Decorate your home with White. As white is more than just a neutral, white décor adds light and brightens up any room in your house. Here I am on this lovely morning sitting on my patio listening to the birds and seeing how well my plants are doing after the overhaul I did a couple of weeks ago. There are beautiful clouds in the sky, big fluffy, and white contrasting the blue. This beautiful composition got me thinking about color, decorating, styling and how to enhance a room and make it look brighter by using…
The Grand Finale Of Our One Room Challenge
Here we are and it is the final and reveal week of the One Room Challenge. I am so excited to have reached this point as there were many moments when I questioned my decision to participate due to time constraints and other things happening at the same time.
When You Are Under Pressure Just Breathe
After having to move out of my lovely shop, accept the changes that I have gone through, letting go of the hard work I had put into that space, the “emotional rollercoaster” and exhaustion from the resistance – Yes, I was resistant to letting go, but I believe there are better things in store for me.
"A Creative Life Is An Amplified Life" E.G.
Ok so here we are and it is week #4. Oh my, how am I going to get this all done in the next two weeks? I have to wallpaper, hang window treatment hardware, hopefully, change the hardware on the grey display. Also, add another sample wall shelf on each wall so that I can spread out the samples more. Last but not least address ugly ceiling tiles.
How To Deal With Challenges In Interior Design
Thanks for returning to see the components, challenges, and lessons of this challenge. I have to really appreciate those of you who take the time to read my blog posts, especially when there are so many talented designers who are participating as guest designers in the and who have beautiful concepts all pulled together already. Let alone the posts from the designers who are being featured.
The Challenge To Turn Bland Into An Inspiring And Functional Space
Wow! This past week was a challenge onto itself, packing moving, dealing with the logistics of deciding what goes to remote storage location vs our new little home (office).
How a Monumental Move Inspired Me To Create Something Beautiful
Since I have to move suddenly because my studio flooded seven times in less than 2 years, I decided to take on and style the new office. Budget is a consideration, so at least at first I need to reuse some of the displays & furniture.
Expert Advice On The Selection Process For A Renovation Project
We are going to go through some aspects of the selection process, and I’m going through it in terms of a Renovation Project.
Expert Advice On How To Prepare For A Renovation Project
As an Interior Designer for many years, I have worked on countless renovation projects of all sizes and budgets. I have put together a list of the first steps to consider before starting a project or contact an experienced professional.
Want To Open Up Your Kitchen & Finally Take On That Renovation Project?
During this time of the year, it’s typical for us to get calls from prospective clients where one of the first questions they ask is, “Can you complete our kitchen before the holidays?” Which in turn generates a whole bunch of questions from us, starting with, “Which holidays?” A lot of folks here in the States begin their holiday season on the last Thursday of November, aka Thanksgiving.
Bathroom - How To Create A Color Palette For The Entire Home
This bathroom packs a punch. It’s not short on luxe, with a collected, well-curated look. The finishes and overall palette complement the rest of the home.
Bedroom - How To Create A Color Palette For The Entire Home
In the first post, we introduced a case study home and used the to explore where to begin and how to draw inspiration for your home’s colors. Then we moved on to the and then to the . Let’s tackle the bedroom now!
Dining Room - How to Create a Color Palette For The Entire Home
This is the third in a multi-post series about creating the ideal color palette for your home. In the first post, we introduced a case study home and used the to explore where to begin and how to draw inspiration for your home’s colors. Then we moved on to the . Let’s tackle the dining room!
Living/Great Room - How to Create a Color Palette For The Entire Home
This is the second in a multi-post series about creating the ideal color palette for your home. In the , we explored where to begin and how to draw inspiration for your home’s colors, using one house as a case study.